Christ Centered 

The apostle Paul's preaching was "nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified". Christ is the center of the Bible, He is its meaning. Christ in His life, death, resurrection, ascension to heaven, and session on His throne accomplished salvation and brought the long awaited kingdom of God. Justification and new creation life is found in Jesus Christ by faith alone. While avoiding man made legalisms we preach union with Christ in His cross and resurrection as the power for crucifying the flesh and walking in newness of life.


"Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly". The Bible is God's inerrant and covenantal Word. Therefore we seek to be shaped at every step by its instruction. This conservative conviction is what led us out of the growing liberal Presbyterian Church to start the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in 1936. We do not mute the voice of God in Scripture by denying its supernaturalism and plain teaching. Neither do we supplant it by looking for new revelations. Yet, we realize that those before us have mined its wisdom, so we bring forth its treasures both new and old.


We trace the theological roots of our Biblical beliefs to the 16th century Reformation. The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger & Shorter Catechisms, written in 1647, contain the system of doctrine which we embrace as Biblical. Herein is found that grand teaching of God's sovereign grace in salvation and the "covenant" relationship between God and man. Adam broke the covenant of works but Christ kept it and bore its curse providing the basis for the covenant of grace. The response to God's covenantal grace of sincerely offering our hearts to God is seen in the design of John Calvin's coat of arms.


The church exists in the world as an alien colony of heaven; the city of God within the city of man. Presbuteros, Greek for elder, is the source for our Presbyterian church government. A plurality of elders called a Session shepherd the flock. Teaching elders, or pastors perform the ministry of the Word and sacraments. Ruling elders join them to oversee the life and discipline of the flock. Elders also serve the Presbytery (regional church) and General Assembly (the denomination).